The Guatemalan Garifuna National Day will be celebrated with a mass at Holly Name of Jesus Catholic Church located at 1977 West Jefferson Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90018 starting at 9 am. We will have the Village Voices choir. During the mass, we will have an entrance procession - Yurumein which is the reenactment of the arrival of the Garinagu by boat to the shores of Labuga Livingston in the department of Izabal in Guatemala in 1802 under the leadership of Marcos Snachez Diaz, his family, and a contingent of Garinagu. This day used to be celebrated on May 15 during patron Saint San Isidro Labrador but it was later changed to November 26 through Legislative Decree 83-96. This national holiday commemorates Garifuna history, traditions, culture and food, with the intention of encouraging Guatemalans to learn more about them.
Garifuna National Day Guatemala