Birth of Villa de Duruwiu [Trujillo]
Trujillo is the oldest city in Honduras, and it was founded on 18 May, 1525 by Juan de Medina. Today, one can still observe vestiges of colonial architecture, such as the Fort of Santa Barbara, which dates back to the sixteenth century. The city is nested in the beautiful Trujillo Bay. This is the place where the first mass was held in the mainland American continent on 14 August 1502, and it happens to be the burial ground for filibuster and soldier, who became president of Nicaragua, William Walker. There are many attractive tourist places in Trujillo, including the San Jose and La Culebrina Batteries, Port Arthur, the tomb of William Walker, Cuyamel Caves, La Piscina, the cemeteries, the Pedregal Riviera, Rio Grande, Rio Mojaguey, Guaymito lagoon, and the Rufino Galan Museum.
Punta de Caxinas, named after the many trees that bear this fruit, was the first region in Central America discovered by Christopher Columbus in the sixteenth century while on his 4th and last voyage. Punta de Caxinas is the same place where Villa de Trujillo [Trujillo today], it was also known as Trujillo del Pinar, Puerto de Honduras, Villa Ascension, and Puerto Juan Gil.
The First Capital of the Provice
In 1539, Pope Pius 111 declared Cathedral the church of Trujillo, from that time it was the headquarters of the Archbishop in colonial times; in 1561 it was moved to Comayagua. Punta de Castilla was the first port of entry into Honduras where the Spanish vessels would anchor as the bay was spacious and sheltered from the winds. In 1825, it was annexed to Olanchito, Yoro, which had the category of a State [Departamento]. In 1881, Trujillo was segregated from Yoro to form, along with the Mosquitia, the State of Colón, and Trujillo being the capital. Trujillo was given the designation as capital of the State in 1532. According to its territorial political division of 1889, Trujillo appears as District, with the towns of Trujillo and Santa Fe.
The city of Trujillo was founded by Francisco de las Casas, Knight of Trujillo, which is the origin of the Port’s name. It is located on the Caribbean Coast and at the bottom of the Bay of Trujillo. It is positioned to the North of the Sea of the Antilles, to the South of the Town of Tocoa, San Esteban, and Iriona; to the East of Limon and Santa Rosa de Aguán, and to the West of Santa Fe and Sonaguera. The territorial extension is: 1.532 km ² It celebrates and honors San Juan Bautista [John The Baptist] on 24 June. It is surrounded by 7 villages and 114 caserios [hamlets] which include Bonito Oriental hamlets. The population of Trujillo is around 43,498, and the region is considered among the most lush and impressive worldwide. This port city is located in one of the largest protected bays and most beautiful in the Caribbean. It was founded by Juan de Medina on 18 May, 1525, and whose colonial history is full of battles, fires, and invasions of pirates. This left a legacy of Spanish, English and French architecture, such as Fort Santa Barbara, the Church Cathedral and an assembly of wooden buildings that adorn its architectural surroundings. The Museum of Don Rufino Galan is located in the a place known as “Pedregal Riviera” highlighting an interesting collection of pre-Hispanic and colonial pieces, which is annually visited by thousands of tourists especially during the summer holidays and Easter. Moreover, Trujillo has the largest Garifuna population in Honduras giving it a different flavor with its own idiosyncrasies, unique to the rest of the country.
Garinagu, proud of their African and Native-Caribbean origins, jealously preserves their folklore and their language. Trujillo offers tourists good restaurants and recreation centers along the beach, where you can enjoy delicious seafood dishes. The development of Trujillo was also attributed to the arrival of Garinagu, who settled on the shores of the bay. Around the Garifuna community you will find a number of attractions. South of town you can find Caverns Cuyamel, where archaeologists have found remains of pre-Columbian cultures.
Approximately 14 kilometers from Trujillo, via a dirt road, you will reach the town of Santa Fe [Giriga], a Garifuna community established in one of the most beautiful, unspoiled beaches in the world. Down the road, you reach the town of Guadalupe, inhabited by Garifuna excellent craftsmen. Another point of interest is the Laguna Guaimoreto, exceptional birding in a totally natural environment. In the vicinity of the lagoon is the Tumbador Hacienda, where alligators are bred. Turtle Tours, is a local tour operator, offers tours to visit the crocodile reserve. A short distance from the entrance to the Laguna Guaimoreto on the road from Trujillo to Puerto Castilla, is a cozy little house called Kiwi.